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Case Study: The Making of Bartholomew Punchyface

Posted on May 9, 2013

Bart Bear


Toy prototyping and production is my specialty as a freelancer, but due to the heavily protected IPs (intellectual properties) I work on, it’s not often that i can share images of what i do online. I thought Bartholomew Punchyface was the perfect opportunity to show you the process of creating a plush from sketches and ideas on paper, through patterning  to a finished product.

Scott and Luke approached me as the factory was having problems getting the characters form right as their design had some complicated elements and a huge range of textures and finishes.

Working closely with Scott and Luke’s sketches I brought their Bart Bear character to plushy life!

May I present to you Bartholomew Bear. Designed by Luke Chueh and Scott Tolleson, prototyped by Holly at A Little Stranger and produced by 3dRetro.

Bart Bear

Case Study: The Making of Bart Bear


Luke and Scott’s Sketches: Face details



Luke and Scott’s Sketches: Ear details


Luke and Scott’s Sketches: Back and wedgie specifics


First Draft: I test all my patterns in scrap fleece or felt before beginning work with the real fabrics, to make sure everything fits together correctly. Eyes/sweater details etc are all paper print outs tacked on with pins to check the scale.



Second Draft: We revised the shape of his head to make it rounder, and added more puffy arms.


Patterning the hairline: It was important that the hairline sat correctly all the way around his head to stop it looking hat-like.


Making all the felt applique details that make up the face


First version of Bart’s head that we deemed to be too complicated in the end – wee simplified by removing the graze on his cheek.

Bart Bear

The finished prototype plush, ready to go to the factory for manufacture.

Bart Bear

Bart Bear

Bart Bear


A manufactured Bartholomew Punchyface, fresh from the factory!